

Is Tint free?

Yes, Tint is currently free to use.

Will Tint remain free?

All tools and features on the site itself will remain free and fully available for individuals.

If there is demand, or a need to cover costs, I will consider paid features for enterprise use. As of right now, I do not plan to push Tint in that direction. If you have thoughts on that, please do reach out!

Why is Tint free to use?

As a user, I simply do not enjoy the trend of "hyper-monetiziation" and everything being turned into a subscription. I have used one too many sites where every button you click, and every knob you twist just leads to a fancy paywall.

Especially for infrequent use, monthly subscriptions often don't make sense, and artificial limitations translate to frustrating experiences. As do sites where ad banners constantly cover part of the screen, or even get in the way of using a tool.


Why is X feature not available?

Tint has some growing left to do. New features and tools will be added over time. If there is anything in particular that you are missing, feel free to let me know. It helps set my priorities to build things that are useful beyond my own needs and wants.

I have ideas or feedback, how can I contact you?

Good old email works best. Say hi at :)

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